Explaining Evolutionary Adaptations and Side Effects: The Spandrels of San Marco Beckman Institute at Illinois 4:00 11 years ago 19 038 Далее Скачать
Richard Lewontin: The Pioneering Evolutionary Biologist NewsClickin 27:03 3 years ago 3 439 Далее Скачать
Elisabeth Lloyd - Gould and adaptation: San Marco 33 years later IstitutoVeneto 38:17 12 years ago 5 538 Далее Скачать
The Dawdler's Philosophy - E2: An Immense Investment in the Utterly Obvious - Spandrels of San Marco The Dawdler's Philosophy 2:21:49 6 years ago 69 Далее Скачать
Gerd Müller - Beyond Spandrels: S.J. Gould, EvoDevo, and the Extended Synthesis IstitutoVeneto 47:40 12 years ago 3 025 Далее Скачать
Adaptation vs selection: What YOU need to know about exaptation The Genetic Basis of Stuff and Things 5:01 4 years ago 3 611 Далее Скачать
Telmo Pievani - Ten years without Stephen J. Gould: the scientific heritage IstitutoVeneto 11:46 12 years ago 3 052 Далее Скачать
Ian Tattersall - Steve Gould's intellectual legacy to anthropology IstitutoVeneto 37:15 12 years ago 2 731 Далее Скачать
Stephen Jay Gould interview on Evolution Prometheus Unchained 24:29 10 years ago 61 315 Далее Скачать